Winter has come and gone and I write this in the spring, as lately timeliness with my blog is not my thing. I had no idea what to expect for myself come 2015, but then when the time came to commit to a decision regarding the next chapter of my life, going back to Indiana, going back home, felt like the right thing to do. The whole of the fall while Dave and I were traveling we never came to a conclusion on where to go when our travel plans concluded, and my heart ultimately guided me back home and I'm sure glad it did. Showing up in the heart of winter was a bit jarring, as winter is always long - for me at least - but as I know I've written about for the past 2 winters, a positive attitude and appropriate clothing can get anyone through winter, I'm convinced!
That said, it came time to begin searching for work, and I was so hesitant to really begin the job hunt, as I think I was a bit scarred from my job hunt after my undergrad. I suppose this notion that a lot of us millenials create in our heads that as soon as we have our actual degree in our hands we will be set is romantic in nature, and not entirely realistic. I suppose there are people that apply to their dream job, get it right away, and then that's it for them, but I'm not one of those people, and hey what doesn't kill us makes us stronger! But the hard work that goes in to actually filling out the applications/cover letters, the energy that is spent in anticipation of a response, the disappointment that goes into receiving every rejection letter (despite your friends/family building you back up), and then finding the courage to put yourself on the line for yet another job/potential rejection is all just a lot. I kept a list of how many jobs I applied to, and I'm not sure why. I mean the logical reason is to just track what I was doing, but it was also harsh to watch the list grow. So the first two months of looking for work were a bit grueling, but it paid off in the end!
In the interim between job hunting, January was filled with fueling my obsession over Soda (the dog), lots of hanging out with friends, and lots of indulging in good food. I was cooking a lot while I was job hunting, because well why not! I became a big fan of making split pea soup, curry, and Mexican is always a hit! Dave was successful in finding a job really quickly, because he has a knack for that! Thankfully his job was right by the house, eliminating the silly need for a car, and it worked out so swell!
But I also managed to go to a couple of 'networking' events in January, one with an urban forest council - who I'm trying to see if there is room for me on their board of directors, we shall see how that plays out. I also attended a waterways conference at the Indianapolis Zoo, and that was fun to hear about what's going on in Indianapolis in the environmental sector and to learn who the players are here. Aside from silly networking, Dave also did some investigating and found a wilderness school in Indianapolis, where he joined their running club. Through the running club, Dave learned of the Indy Hostel, a new hostel in Indianapolis, which was beginning to host monthly storytelling nights. We attended the first storytelling and it was good fun, as Soda even got to join! There was also rock climbing, and binge watching The Office! Pictures now, please!
This creature has won my heart!
Networking at the zoo has its perks, like dolphins!
Nachos don't have to be with chips, they can also be with fries!
Should we ford the river, Soda?
Snow! and then more snow, followed by more snow!
The obsession took over in more ways than you would have thought.
Dave is STILL obsessed with Katherine's cat Winnie!
But I suppose he also has a soft spot in his heart for Soda as well.
Storytelling for everyone!
Then came February! Well to back up, the last weekend of January Alex, Dave and I went to Chicago for the weekend to visit my grandfather who had recently had heart surgery, and I am happy to report that he is recovering swimmingly! It has been so comforting to watch him bounce back from this serious operation so smoothly! We also got to spend the evening downtown visiting and evading the snow storm by hiding out in Skyler's bar. Come Sunday morning we drove back to the suburbs for lunch with all our relatives, and the snow was really coming down thick. We decided to hit the road, despite maybe our better judgment, and a 3 hour journey took only 6 hours, BUT during the drive I got an email for an interview! My interview was a mere 3 days after I got the email, and I prepared for it like a madwoman! It went really well, and the following day I had lunch with the Executive Director of the forest council I mentioned earlier. The ED of the forest council wanted to get me involved in her organization as well, despite not having any funds, so we were exploring how that could look, and it started with her inviting me to her organization's annual conference. The conference was to be the following week, and on the morning we were to leave I got offered a second interview with Health by Design. I went to the interview, nailed it again, and then headed off to Richmond, Indiana for two days of talking trees! All of this networking has been really fabulous, and I'm so glad I was able to go! I learned a lot about trees, and met all kinds of interesting people!
IUFC tree conference - Identifying trees in winter!
So February is also filled with birthdays galore for me, as I have 4 good friends with birthdays, and Dave's birthday! The first weekend of February started out with Elloree's birthday and Katherine's mom's birthday! Katherine's mom turned 50 and wanted to go out downtown, so naturally Katherine and I joined in on that fun. But the same night as Paula's birthday was Elloree's party, so we split our time and had so much fun!
Happy Birthday, Paula!
Cheers to 28 years, Elloree!
Then it was to be Dave's 30th birthday!!!!!!!! I am one of those people that really obsesses over the age that I am turning, to a fault, I know, but I can't help it and then I project this on other people in my life. The point I'm trying to make was that I couldn't let Dave embark on his next decade without making it something of a spectacle! So, way back in December I started planning us a weekend away to the Smoky Mountains! I wanted to rent us a cabin in the woods and to spend it with our friends hiking and enjoying the beautiful scenery. God bless Airbnb because it has really changed traveling. I found a ridiculously amazing cabin that sleeps at least 6 and it was such a good price, and included a hot tub, and a porch with a view that was to die for!
So in my best attempt to keep Dave's birthday adventure a surprise, we loaded up Craig's family's van and headed down to Gatlinburg, Tennessee (without telling Dave where we were going), for a weekend away! Dave eventually started to get an idea where we were going within the last hour, but telling someone to get into a car without knowing where they're headed is quite fun, I highly recommend it! The trip was one for the books, and I can't even begin to explain how perfect it was. Everyone jived so well together and it was exactly what I think all of us needed. At this point I still hadn't heard back about my interview, Katherine was in the midst of teaching/going to school, and we were all needing a mid-winter pick-me-up! We arrived to the cabin after a smooth drive, and indulged in home-cooked chili, played some board games, relaxed in the hot tub, had birthday cake, complete with singing, and all fell asleep by the fire place watching a silly movie.
The drive only took a mere 6 hours!
But then we arrived, and we were in heaven!
Cuddles by the fire.
Day 2 we drove to Smoky Mountain National Park and after learning that Soda wasn't allowed on all of the trails, we took the trails we were allowed to bring her on, and had a nice day all the same! The weather was cooperating, and honestly that's mostly what matters on these kinds of adventures! After hiking around, exploring abandoned structures at the park, climbing trees, and soaking in all the mountain air, we headed back to our cozy cabin for another repeat night of good eats, board games, hot tubs, and curling up by the fire! Even as we were there the time was going too fast!!! Day 3 was kind of the same as the day before, absent bringing Soda, and we intentionally drove through Gatlinburg so as to see the gaudiness of this infamous town. It was a tad chillier on day 3, but we powered through and had a spectacular hike! Typical evening activities ensued, and we were all blissed out! Pictures will tell the rest of the tale..
Alex hikes!
Soda is front and center, clearly.
Neighborhood walks!
Neat abandoned building.
The Smokies really are Great!
Group shot on the balcony.
Soda wanted to climb the trees too!
Lots of cool icicles were to be found.
Happy Birthday, Dave! :-)
Best group shot!
Walking back to our cabin, you can see it there in the background!
And this is a terrible picture of me, but I just wanted to show off the inside of our cabin! :-)
And then it came time to leave, and we were all so sad to have to say goodbye. It was truly a perfect weekend, and I know I speak for everyone in saying we all had so much fun; not only celebrating Dave, but just having a break from everything. The drive back was hellish, but hey we all got to spend more time together as we watched the snow fall. I also think we all realized the value in an escape in the middle of February, as you're in the thick of winter and everyone can benefit from a release.
The view from our balcony the morning we were leaving.
Upon getting back from the Smokies, Health by Design called me back and offered me the job! I was beyond ecstatic! I can't begin to tell all of you how relieved I was to have the job hunt be over, the process is grueling and I could have jumped with joy that's how excited I was! I am now the Active Living Coordinator at Health by Design - a coalition of partners working to ensure that communities throughout Indiana have neighborhoods, public spaces and transportation infrastructure that promote physical activity and healthy living. I stole that last bit from our website, but now you know what we are all about! I am working with communities to bring an active living mindset to their community, but more than that, I'm helping them get in the infrastructure in place so that their communities are conducive to this lifestyle. Here, I'll give you my card in case you want to talk about 'complete streets'!
The job is already off to a great start, and I am learning so much. The non-profit is looking at everything through the lens of public health, and since that is not my background I am learning all of the lingo, etc. and it is great for my professional development. So while 'completing the streets' (aka including bicycle lanes and sidewalks), reduces carbon emissions, it also helps to curtail the obesity epidemic, and that is how we are largely spinning this work. It's been great for me to have all of this networking and expansion of my skills, and I can't wait to see what I'll know this time next year. In the meantime I get to go to all kinds of cool partner events, like a bicycle summit, a transit forum in Louisville, a transit day (advocating for mass transit funding) at the Indiana Statehouse, plus all kinds of other cool stuff!
The center of Indianapolis, as seen from the hotel that held the Bicycle Summit!
To Louisville for work :-)
Transit Day at the Statehouse!
My co-workers and I also go on lots of walks! This is our team, absent our boss. Indianapolis put up these statues and the idea is that you have to be the "I"!
Oh and the Mayor of Indianapolis hosted a spring bicycle ride. Me and two of my co-workers joined the mayor for his bicycle ride! Joan to my left, Addison on the far right, and Mayor Ballard next to me.
Enough about work! Other happenings that have ensued since Dave's birthday weekend included his actual birthday weekend. My dad came to town on Dave's actual birthday, and took us out to dinner and it was a really nice day and good to see him. The following morning he and Alex headed to Chicago, and Dave and I went out to a very nice meal generously provided by his sisters! Then after our meal of tapas (we went to a Spanish restaurant), we went out with friends and had a lot of fun! It seemed as if Dave's birthday just kept on going, and I didn't hate it because who doesn't love celebrating birthdays?!
Dad's visit!
A pitcher of sangria to share, David...
Tapas! Thanks Mary & Katie!
Then after Dave's birthday it was Katherine's birthday! Kate's birthday was more low-key, but we celebrated her birthday with food and drinks, in typical fashion :-) Erin, our friend who lives in Tennessee, was also in town for Katherine's birthday, so that was swell, and we had fun ringing in Kate's next year! Black bean burgers have been a big hit lately, and Katherine's birthday was an appropriate time to have more, we even went as far as to go to Burger King and ask for crowns so we could have our own burger party, weird, I know.
Cheers to 28 years!
Soda and Dave with their crowns - chins up boys and girls!
Oh and the last happening of February included going to another storytelling night at the Whitepine Wilderness Academy that I was talking about earlier. This time Dave was asked to share one of his adventure stories, and so he told the story of his Bear Ski, the culmination of his learning in Finland. Dave's story telling skills are quite impressive, I must say, and it was a great night inside the yurt hearing stories of adventure. Craig even decided impromptu to share one of his own adventure stories.
Chats about Dave's time in the Arctic!
Then it seemed as if March was upon us in no time! March flew by, as all months do I suppose. There were bouts of nice weather, followed immediately again by bouts of not so nice weather, and I flourished on the nice days, and was ready to crawl back in bed on the cold days. For example, one day was good for a fire..
Soda gets scared of fire.
And the next day was good for staying in bed..
Don't make us get up...
Pretty please don't make us move!
But then the weather really did seem to make a turn around, and spring was upon us! Yay! Dave and I went down to Louisville for a night to see a gig, and that was awesome! We also met up with my good friend Liz and her fiance Ryan for a meal beforehand. Louisville and Jeffersonville (the city in Indiana on the opposite side of the Ohio River), have been working on completing a pedestrian bridge for a few years now, and recently it was finally completed on the Indiana side! There are also lights that illuminate the bridge, and we went for a stroll. Liz's son, Gabe, was so excited by the lights, it was really cute. And while Gabe and the rest of us stared at the lights, Dave ran to Indiana and back!
Then a few days later it was time to celebrate a March birthday. Our friend Julia's husband, Mark, was celebrating his birthday and wanted to have his friends run a 5k race with him. Dave claimed to have never run such a short distance and wanted to push himself, and then he came in 7th place, ugh! I only say 'ugh' because I have to work so hard and he will always make it look so easy. But it was an awesome way to celebrate a friend's birthday, and we followed it with pizza and drinks, what more could one want?
Green for the Shamrock Run!
Happy Birthday, Mark!
It's been so much fun for everyone to expose Dave to all things American, both cool and trashy. The point in saying this is to say that we have all been talking Dave's ear off about Pizza King. Now Pizza King is truly no more special than your average pizza joint, except that it has a train that delivers your drinks, and when you're a kid this is naturally the coolest thing ever! One day we decided to actually go to Pizza King to show Dave all it's glory, and well, I must say it was worth it.
Here come our drinks!
March also included attending Creative Mornings. The only reason this is really noteworthy is because I want everyone to start going to these because they are great! Creative Mornings are, for lack of a better comparison, just like TED talks. It is a global breakfast/talk series that has reached Indianapolis, and I love it. These events are free to attend, include free breakfast, are a great networking opportunity, and always leave you feeling inspired. March's theme was 'Ink' and the whole world over would be talking about the same topic on the same day. Indianapolis chose to have a screen printer give our talk, and he was great! March's event was also held at the Indianapolis Museum of Art, and Dave and I really enjoyed starting our Friday off this way.
I'll sleep when I'm dead, super advice, thanks!
Then came April! And despite the fact that April is technically spring, I will just go ahead and blog up until Dave's departure :-( So April meant that we moved into Katherine and Craig's house, and the move went very smoothly and has worked out really great. Living this close to downtown is fun, and I'm really happy we are in this spot. So due to living so close to downtown, we have definitely been taking advantage of riding bicycles around the city, primarily at night, and I love night bike rides! The city is always illuminated and the streets are always so quiet, and it makes for such fun evening riding. We had been showing Dave all the cool spots to ride in the city, especially in the parking garages, and just having a lot of fun enjoying being outside in the good weather.
Dave and the city.
Dave and Alex with the State capitol building in the background.
There was also lots of hoopla to be found for the Final Four.
Indianapolis is also home to a pretty famous children's museum, and on the first Thursday of every month it is free! So naturally Dave and I had to go to the Children's Museum! I was so excited to show Dave this really quintessential part of being a child in Indianapolis, because I think everyone that I'm friends with that grew up here remembers going there as a kid, and how exciting it always was! Going as an adult is still fun, but fighting hoards of children on a free night was maybe a little much. We made the most of the evening, but were also kind of ready to go by the end since there were so many kids pushing and shoving there way around hah!
This clock is iconic at the Children's Museum!
Silly faces in the mirror!
Dave and the dinos!
And then we got home and were pooped!
Then it seemed Easter was upon us, and I was determined to make sure it was a good one! So I went and got egg dye and made the boys Easter baskets! Who doesn't like the excuse to dye eggs and over consume chocolate? But little did I know, I wasn't the only sneaky one! Dave had managed to hide a bajillion chocolate eggs all around the house for me to find as well, and I'm still finding some to this day - I'm not so good at hide and seek! Easter was a particularly beautiful day weather wise, and I think everyone had a good day! We ended the day with dinner at our mom's good friend Sally's house.
Easter baskets!
Dave and I painting our eggs.
The boys painting their eggs.
Super focused on painting.
A dozen gems!
Then it came too damn quickly, but it became time for saying goodbye. Dave and I went with Julia and her boys to a gnome exhibit at the Garfield Park Conservatory, and it was such a lovely afternoon. We spent the time wandering the Conservatory, then wandering through the park itself, and getting coffee before Dave had to say goodbye to the boys for now.
A camping gnome.
Henry and Dave check out the gnomes!
Dave and I had a date night at a great local market/wine cellar/bar, Goose the Market, and had a cheese board and some beer/wine. Then there was an evening with going to an Indian's baseball game, which goes back to how fun it has been to show Dave cheesy American things, like baseball and Cracker Jacks! We followed the ball game with going and seeing Julia, her husband Mark, and their other bandmates play a gig at Chilly Water Brewery. Then that night concluded with a fire in the backyard. There was also a farewell night spent at the Chatterbox, a bar that plays jazz music every Thursday, and when our energy permits we try and go.
Say "Cheese!"
Take me out to the ball park, take me out to the field! Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks!
The Half Step Sisters!
Chitter chatter over ginnies!
After saying all of the goodbyes, it came time to take Dave up to Chicago to catch his train. Dave is easily the best gift giver, and for part of my Christmas present I received tickets to see José González, a musician we both love and bonded over really early on in our relationship. Little did Dave know when he bought these tickets how perfectly the timing would work out. We drove up to Chicago, dropped our bags at my grandpa's, headed to the city for a perfect evening of dinner and music, and it was such a great way to spend our last evening together. We sang along, and really had a wonderful evening together in the city. The following morning we had breakfast with my grandpa and aunt Ruth, and then it was time to take Dave to the train station. It was with a heavy heart that I said goodbye to him, but I was consoled by knowing I would see him again in two weeks! I bid him farewell, and am so happy to know that as I write this he is happily traveling with his mom and dad.
José González!!!!!!!
"What's the point if you hate, die and kill for love?"
So concludes another winter! I'll be back with a spring update, I promise!